Anthony Tran

Class of 2024

Double Major in SASAH and Honors Specialization in Linguistics with a Certificate in Practical Spanish

Hometown: Mississauga, ON

Favorite project so far:

My favourite project in SASAH would have to be creating my own digital blog in Ruth Skinner's course ARTHUM 2230G. I really appreciated the opportunity to curate and hone in the aesthetics of the blog while also developing a personal, intimate writing style of my own. Also, working alongside other group members while still individually writing my own posts allowed for a really great balance of teamwork and personal time management that I loved!

Favorite thing about SASAH:

Usually when I get asked this, two points immediately pop into my head. First, that the people are great. You really can't find another degree where everyone entering the classroom comes from such diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Second, the breadth of content taught. I am through-and-through a Linguistics major, but I've gotten the chance to learn about digital activism, Canadian indigeneity, and a whole slew of other content that I certainly would never have gotten the chance to study were it not for SASAH.

Current/future plans you're excited for:

I'm hoping to continue my summer research on Vietnamese syntax with a Professor during my next term to fulfill my Experiential Learning credit. I'm really excited that we get the chance to incorporate hands-on learning as a part of our degree.


Presenter at the Workshop in Modality in Underrepresented Languages at Humboldt University in Berlin

Last semester, I was able to present my USRI at the Workshop in Modality in Underrepresented Languages at Humboldt University in Berlin. It was my first experience presenting at a conference, and I loved meeting and conversing with researchers and academics from around the world.